Thursday 4 October 2012

Jem Southam & William Eggleston

Jem Southam is one of the most respected British photographers of the last twenty-five years. Inspired partly by the colour work of William Eggleston, Southam began in the 1970s to document the British countryside particularly the South West where he lives and works.

My overall artistic intentions are to make work that explores how our history, our memory, and our systems of knowledge combine to influence our responses to the places we inhabit, visit, create, and dream of.Combining natural observation with influences from literature, science and history, Southam's work oscillates between the epic and the everyday: I eschew grandeur for the sake of it preferring to revel in a subtler scale and history.

Southhams work shows me that you dont necessarily need to involve people into your photographic story inorder to create an interesting visual. Her connection with wildlife is obvious through the photographs/ stories she creates.

William Eggleston

William Eggleston, an American documentary photographer whose work looks almost too perfect to be documentary photographs whilst having a fashion twist sometimes. 
He is widely credited with securing recognition for color photography as a legitimate artistic medium to display in art galleries.

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