The Shawshank Redemption
As blogged previously, it was through watching films such as the shawshank redemption that made me realise and visualise what the circular narrative is about.
The opening scene of the film starts with a man sitting infront of a pannel of prison authority and despite his plead for bail he is declined. The main part of the film shows a number of years in the prison that helps the man to realise his own wrong doings. The closing scene shows him going back infront of the judges and instead of pleading for bail he simply tells them what he has learnt and from that he was accepted bail. This is where the circular narrative re-loops back to the beginning, being it in the same situation in the same room in front of the same pannel of judges. Throughout the film there are parts which have a circular narrative within this main circular narrative, this is when the narrative style became apparent to me.
Pulp Fiction
I have watched Pulp fiction again because I thought that it had a relevant storyline/ scene. The opening scene is of the characters sat in an american diner, the ending scene is also similar because it ends in the diner, this is an example of a circular narrative.
There are also links during the film and separate storys that are unlike any other film that I have watched. The story line is very hard to follow however after watching the film over and over, you start to realise the different plots.
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